11/23/2021 – Dairy Herd MaNagement:
Utilizing Technology to Manage Cows on Multiple Locations
By KAREN BOHNERT November 23, 2021
“Saving time and labor, BoviSync streamlines communication with their football sleeve-like technology. Data is collected through mobile devices, strapped onto the forearm, engaging employees with easy-to-use tools to gain productivity and efficiency for their operation. That data is then stored in a cloud-based system, allowing producers to gather and analyze data from across the dairy and for some, across multiple sites.”
Read how the Ruby Family manages Fir Ridge Holsteins two dairies with BoviSync: dairyherd.com

Fir Ridge Holsteins takes advantage of multi-site reporting in BoviSync. Animals are viewable based on location and owner. This is how one record per an animal streamlines management and reporting in BoviSync. Access to records is granted by permission granted by dairy owners. Any combination of farm and sites can be used in reports with the available permissions.